These are challenging times. To help protect the health and safety of our supporters, BodiStrong has postponed our golf outing — and selection date of the motorcycle raffle — to a time later this summer. We will notify participants and the community as soon as the new date is selected. We are more excited than ever to offer an opportunity for our community to come together and celebrate on a brighter day.
BodiStrong has been making the most of this time by helping those on the front lines of COVID-19. We have donated more than 500 cases of hand sanitizer to organizations on the front lines and those trying to keep our community moving forward, including Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, UC Health and Premier Health Hospitals, Mercy Health, Hamilton County Sheriff’s Offices, Cincinnati Reds’ command center, the U.S. Army, Dragonfly, and others. (The Cleveland Clinic sent a courier to pick up 50 cases!)
BodiStrong has partnered with IFF to distribute hand sanitizer manufactured in New Jersey and bottled here in Cincinnati, OH. We are grateful to our friends at IFF for helping us serve and protect some of the most at-risk and vulnerable people in our community.
The Bodi Strong Team
Who is Bodi?

Hi, my name is Bodi. I was born on January 16, 2015, to two parents and a family that loves me very much.
After I was born, the first 10 weeks of my life were the best. I received lots of love and attention from all of my family and friends. I even got to fly on an airplane to visit my Auntie Rah Rah in California! I was so excited!
Unfortunately, before we left, I caught a little cold. Worried, Momma checked with the doctor. After getting the okay to fly, Momma and I were on our way. During the trip, I kept feeling worse. I was congested, and my tummy was very bloated. I was feeling so yucky that Momma and Rah Rah took me to urgent care. The doctor there said I was a little colicky, but that I would get better.
I cried and cried that day and the next. Momma was even more worried, so she took me to the local emergency room to get checked out. It was packed, but when the nurse took one look at my belly, they sent me right back into an exam room where they poked me with a big needle to start some fluids. (I tried to act like a big boy and not cry.) Then, after X-rays and other tests, we waited…
Finally, a nurse came in to talk to my Momma. What the nurse said made Momma really upset. The X-ray revealed that I had a large mass behind my heart, and my liver and spleen were extremely large. Momma called my daddy; he immediately flew out to be with us in my new room on the hospital’s hematology and oncology floor.
The next day I had more tests where they took pictures of my whole body. Momma laid me on a table, and I became really sleepy. She whispered she loved me, and I fell asleep. When I woke up in the PICU, I received a lot of attention. Daddy and Momma were there, along with my Rah Rah and Uncle Kahil. When Momma and Daddy left to talk to the doctors, I cried until Uncle Kahil rocked me to sleep.
Doctors confirmed that I had a tumor. They also said that my liver was taking up my whole abdomen, pushing my diaphragm up, making it difficult for me to breathe. My spine, trachea, and esophagus were also being squished. (No wonder I was so fussy!) The doctors in California recommended we fly back to Cincinnati, OH. Before we did, Mamaw and Papaw came out to California to snuggle me. I loved all of the attention, but we were all ready to go home.
Join the movement

How Can You Help
Help support for The Dragonfly Foundation and Camp Sunshine by making a monetary or in-kind donation, attending an event, or purchasing a raffle ticket for the chance to win a custom chopper.
All proceeds benefit Dragonfly and Camp Sunshine!
The raffle
Here is where you can help! You can enter for your chance to win a custom Chopper built by Metropolitan Choppers. Here’s your chance to own a one-of-a-kind vehicle specifically built for a golf legend!
For details, please CONTACT US.
Please click the button below to enter for your chance to win the Chopper.